Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter: Hope of the Resurrection

I have to admit, the Easter season took on a whole new meaning for me this year. I always love Easter time with the changing of winter to spring, the blossoms all around, the pastel colors, the egg coloring, the Easter Egg Hunts, the candy, and most importantly...the reminder that Jesus Christ was Resurrected, making it possible for all of us to be resurrected. But, this year, it became so much more real for me. To lose someone you love is the hardest thing in the world, but knowing that we will both be resurrected one day and be able to be with each other forever and ever makes it so much more bearable. How grateful I am for the atonement of Jesus Christ and His death and miraculous Resurrection.

Ethan was invited to an Easter Egg Hunt with a special guest appearance from the Easter Bunny! Too bad he was terrified of her! He refused to talk to her, or even take a picture with her.

Finding eggs all over the house on Easter morning. Thank goodness church didn't start 'til 11:00.

It was a wonderful day to spend together as a family. It made us miss getting together with all of our extended family like we do every year. But, thankfully our good friends invited us for dinner and we had a delicious ham dinner with all the fixings!


dotti white said...

Heidi...what a beautiful family picture! I miss you all sooooo much! Nice to hear you are doing well--you are so strong and so amazing! I love that about you!

Tina said...

Great family picture! I like Don's pink tie. ;)

That picture of Ethan afraid of the Easter Bunny is hilarious!

I especially loved the snapshots of your beautiful know I totally enlarged to see it better. :)

Lila said...

EVERYONE looks so great! Very handsome and beautiful respectively. ;) happy belated easter. he he.