Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today is my Dad's 65th birthday and you would never guess he was that old by looking at him! Here is a picture he took when he was 19 before his mission. Wasn't he handsome?

My dad was on the BYU gymnastics team. Pretty cool, huh? I think so. He has always been in incredible shape and even now, in his 60's, other guys are jealous of his physique when he takes his shirt off at the beach. I love this picture of him!

Here's my dad in the middle of his brother and sister. Was he not the cutest little boy?! It's no wonder he has 36 adorable grandchildren! (yes, my five included)

I was a lucky girl to get to grow up as one of his seven daughters. My dad was a busy man with eleven children, a thriving orthodontic business, and demanding callings in the church, but somehow he still had time for me. I remember countless hours playing basketball and football with my dad and siblings. I have many fond memories of boogie boarding at the beach alongside my dad. And I was blessed with the opportunity to work as his orthodontic assistant for years and years. Those are cherished memories because I got to see my dad in action as what I like to call, "the world's best orthodontist" and it gave me lots of one on one time with him.
I will always be grateful for a father who lead us in family prayer, family scripture study, and family home evening. I believe our family is incredibly close and strong today because my parents were diligent in those three things. My dad was always so good at coming up with an FHE lesson on the spot, complete with interesting stories and then making it applicable to us. (I'm sure there were plenty that weren't "on the spot", too!) He is a worthy Priesthood holder and has pronounced many blessings upon my head that I will always cherish.
We don't get to see him as often as we like living so far away, but when we do my children just love to be around him. Here is just a "snapshot" of my dad surrounded by some of his children and grandchildren. What a posterity he has created! (Make sure to double click to see it better)

Happy Birthday, Dad! I hope you know how much I love you and appreciate you and miss you. Have a wonderful day and know that this little family of seven wishes we could be there to smother you with hugs and kisses on your birthday! (photo taken in 2005)


Trevor said...

Great tribute, Heidz. Can you put one of those together for our blog!?!? Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post, Heidi.

Monica said...

Sweet! I love the fam picture with the sign. Great idea I've seen you do in the past, and always planned to mimic. My planning hasn't manifested itself into reality yet though. :/

Tina said...

You have such an awesome family; I love reading about them. Great collage. I especially love the one in the corner of your mom and dad dancing.

Happy Birthday to your Dad!

Randi said...

Wow, he's like a mix between Davis and Ginger. Very cool post. Happy birthday to him! I hope all is going well for you guys. I sure miss ya!

dotti white said...

I am grateful for your dad, too, being the dad of such a wonderful woman and friend!

Trevor said...

Two old was that "Happy Birthday, Grampa" picture? I didn't even notice until the kids pointed out how young some of the kids are in it!! Hilarious.

And...did you notice that Dad has his hair parted on the other side in 5 out of the 30 pictures? That's cool.

Lila said...

that is hilarious that trevor noticed where your dad's hair was parted. lol (fyi, sometimes the negative is flipped so he may have the same part but it's the way they print the picture possibly).
anyway, 1st. welcome back to blogging! we've missed you! ;)
2nd the gymnastics picture (which my dad also was a gymnast! wierd and they both have 11 kids... lol) looks so much like trevor to me, it's the first time i've seen the likeness like that. and 3rd, he IS so adorable in all the pics of course but especially as a tot between his sisters. how cute! i think his older sister totally looks like amber, do you? anyway, what a nice post and come back soon for more awesome posts! ;) if you're in CA for christmas, let me know so i can say hi. i'll be there 12/23 - 1/5. xoxo

Lindy said...

Hello Heidi!
What a treat it is for me to read your fun blog and catch up on your life! Your family is absolutely beautiful! Five children - Yea! :) Isn't it wonderful! You are such a great mom! I love seeing all the smiles!
Also, thank you for writing your precious thoughts about Ginger! I feel so inspired and joyful after reading your memories of your sweet sister!
I think I read that you are living in Washington? :) When you guys come down sometime it would be fun to get our families together. Maybe a day at the beach? Take care!