Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eight is Great!

Ryan Jane turned 8 on August 29th. We had a wonderful day celebrating as a family. She chose the menu for the day...breakfast was Captain Crunch Berries (then she got to have the rest of the cereal box all to herself), lunch was grilled cheese sandwiches, and for dinner we had chicken patties, asparagus, and lemonade! Definitely a menu of an 8 year old! :) And my children never want the traditional birthday cake for dessert, so Ryan chose ice cream sandwiches with homemade chocolate chip cookies. They were quite delicious if I do say so myself.

It's a tradition in our home to give our children their first set of scriptures for their 8th birthday. Ryan was so excited because she doesn't have to use my old set anymore!

Before her birthday she begged and begged for a bike, explaining that she had NEVER been given a brand new bike but was destined to ride hand-me-downs for the rest of her life. So....we bought her a bike, even though there are TWO perfectly good bikes of the perfect size for her sitting in our garage right now....

Ryan's darling Primary teacher and her daughter stopped by to wish Ryan a happy birthday and shower her with gifts... a card, a huge balloon, candy, and this adorable cookie Rachel made to represent Ryan on her Baptism day. So sweet!

1 comment:

wendyann said...

Happy Birthday cute Ryan!!! We love you!!