Thursday, October 23, 2008

Don't cry!

So, this Monday marked three months since my sister passed away. Yes, it was a hard day...and so were the days leading up to it. I was having a cry session and although I look at Ginger's blog all the time, I found myself looking on our private extended family blog which I hadn't done for a really long time. As I scrolled down looking specifically for posts from Ginger, I immediately came across one that she had entitled, "Don't cry, Heids!". Of course, I cried even harder, but then had to smile as I could almost hear Ginger telling me those exact words at that very moment. She had posted it a long time ago sharing her amazing view of the ocean from her home. She knew how much I missed the beach and sunshine, and didn't want me to be too sad as she shared her excitement for this luxury in her life. And even now, she didn't want me to cry, or even be sad, but to be happy, and to remember that we would be together again, that this separation was but a small moment. How grateful I am for these sweet, comforting experiences.


Tina said...

What a sweet experience, Heidi. I thought about bringing over some chocolate on Monday...
I'm glad you got the real comfort you needed.

John and Laura said...

Oh, Heidi!

What a beautiful and sweet experience. I love you and I'm sorry for your pain.

Sissy said...

You are so very blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with her and to still, even now, be able the share moments you share together.

summerk said...

Oh Heids, thanks a lot! As soon as I saw the title, I thought, "oh great... here it comes." JK, I've been holding it in for too long...

That's so neat that you found that post with that title. You're amazing, Heids... Ginge loved/loves you so much...

heather carlson said...

Wow! She was so inspired! What a blessing she was in your lives, and everyone that knew her.

Natalie said...

Thanks for sharing that experience. This picture of the two of you is beautiful. You both look so great.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, Heids! I was already really struggling in the temple this morning, but I had to do what I could to keep myself composted. Now that I'm home alone, I completely lost it! (Reading Kate's blogs as well.) When are we getting together?!

Monica said...

What a precious post, Heidi!
You're amazing to keep everything in perspective with all the changes going on in your life, job, home, etc. I'm sure it's all been emotionally overwhelming, but it will be worth it in the end.
Love, Monica

Lila said...

Ahhh!... i'm grateful you have found ways to keep a smile on your face and skip in your step on the days you feel down. i always think of you all on those days and say a little prayer. xoxo lila

MEB said...

What a neat post. I love that picture of you two. I can hear Ginger telling you not to cry. How great that you have both blogs to look at and remind you of Ginger. I still look at her blog all the time. You have a great eternal perspective.

Jason said...

Thanks for sharing this Heids! I've been reconnecting with a lot of old friends from Simi and Camarillo on Facebook and several have expressed their sadness and love for Ginger, so I have been thinking a lot about her and rereading her blog and your blog for comfort. It really helps! So thank you again!