Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A trip to Claire's for Ginger's Birthday

In our family, you have to be 12 years old to get your ears pierced. I actually had mine pierced when I was 12, and also again about 10 years later, but both times they got infected and were so sensitive that I had to let them close up. As Ginger's birthday was getting closer, I considered trying again, but almost chickened out. Ginger basically forced me into it and I'm glad she did! It was a bonding experience for us. We had so much fun and I'm happy to report that three times a charm!


John and Laura said...

You were so brave. I hope these ones last. :)

Tifany said...

YEAH!!!! Happy 12th Birthday, Ginger!

The earrings look great!!

I know of someone who paints their earring posts with clear finger nail polish, allows them to dry, and then puts them in her ears. That way her ears don't have any sensitive reactions to the earrings. I've never tried it, but if I ever run into that problem, I'd definitely give it a try.

I'm glad you are all doing well. Miss you!

Tina said...

BE-autiful! How fun for you guys to have your ears pierced together. Emily and I both wish we could have been there for moral support...except that I wouldn't have been. But I would have picked out some cute earrings while you were being pierced. :)

Jaimee said...

That is so funny we have the same rule in our family 12 years old before you get you ears pierced. That's how old I was and Brooke can hardly wait. I'm sure she had a great birthday your such an awesome Mom!

Lila said...

wow! bravery! ;)