Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mother/Daughter Luau

I got to go to my first Mother/Daughter Luau with Ginger, now that she is a young woman! We had so much fun. We had Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner, Ginger took 2nd place in the Limbo, and we played games that tested our knowledge about each other....and we did really well!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it fun being "part" of Young Women's again!

Jaimee said...

How fun to have Ginger in YW. Brooke can hardly wait, but she still has 1 more year. She asks me almost every week if she can go with me to mutual. You guys look like your doing really well in TX... but we still miss you guys.

Lila said...

mmmm. i have had hawaiian haystacks once in my life (on my mission for a r.s. thing the missionaries were doing a skit for) and have dreamed about them ever since! if you have access to a recipe will you email it to me? lilastuteville@yahoo.com

Tina said...

I want to see the picture of you doing the limbo. I know you can.

How fun to see Ginger in YW! Emily will join her in just a couple weeks. She can't wait.