Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Six Flags Over Texas

The Elementary school was offering tickets to Six Flags for kids who read for 6 hours over the course of a month....a breeze for my little readers. Se we spent the day as a family on probably one of the hottest days of the entire summer. It was 102degrees that day. It was HOT and HUMID! Ick! But, we still had a fantastic day. We went on plenty of water rides to stay wet and cool and we went on just about everything since it wasn't busy at all. I mean, who in their right mind would spend a day outside in that kind of weather? ;)

Favorite ride of the day? Superman. It was awesome and we went on it over and over again. Best part of the day? When Don was next in line to get on a roller coaster and the car pulled up with a kid throwing up all over his seat. Ahhh, memories.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Haha! Nice memory.

You'll have to get those ticket again so we can go with you guys when we visit you! ;)