Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Los Angeles Temple with Wendy

Part of our trip to CA for the beach house included getting to see my youngest sister, Wendy go through the temple for the first time! It was a wonderful thing to be gathered in this special place with so many of my family members. And we knew our sister, Ginger, didn't miss it.

Cute pix of my Dad and Wendy.


Tina said...

What great planning for so many of you be there for your sister. I'm sure it was an emotionally happy time for all of you.

John and Laura said...

I love being in the temple with my whole family. Glad you could have that experience? Wendy looks a lot like Ginger to me.

dotti white said...

Wendy looks like such an angel!

Lila said...

congratulations to wendy! she is always glowing. I'm so proud of her for living worthily. as you said, i'm sure ginger didn't miss a thing. ;)

wendyann said...

Thanks everyone! It was such a wonderful experience and I am so grateful that so many of my favorite people were there with me.

Two more days and we get to do it again with Derek! Yay!!