Thursday, December 30, 2010

After Christmas Visitors!

The day after Christmas is usually a bummer day because all of the excitement and anticipation is over, and we realize that we have to wait another year for it to be Christmas again. Well, now with the new tradition of family visitors that is NOT the case! My brother, Trevor, and his family of 8 drive in from CA, and my sister, Brandi, and her husband and baby also come for a week! This was their 2nd time here for New Year's and we are hoping that this is truly "tradition!"

The kids get so excited for cousins!

My cute sister, Brandi, had surgery the day before she made the 12 hour drive to see us. She was determined to be here and that made us feel so loved!

Despite the recovery she was enduring, she was still eager and willing to be our hair stylist. She cut the girls hair and cut and high-lighted mine.

Natalie, Brandi and I love our special sister time and have a blast just relaxing while the kids play all day.  We even snuck away a few times for some serious shopping!

Uncle Alan took the boys on a tadpole hunting trip down the street and they loved it! All part of the adventure of having aunts, uncles, and cousins here!

One of the highlights this year was our night out as adults!  We left the big girls in charge of all the kids and we went to dinner at Blue Mesa, then headed over to play WhirlyBall!  If you've never played you have got to try it.  It's like basketball, but in bumper cars and with hi-li scoops and a ball that you have to throw at the back board for points.  It is a crack up and a lot of fun!

After Whirly Ball we went to Gold Class Cinemas which is the nicest movie theater you will ever see!  Every seat is a reclining chair, the waitress brings you popcorn and water, and you can order from the menu any time during the movie.  It was a treat!  We had a great night out.  

One of our most favorite parts of having family in town is gathering together at night for Scripture Study and prayer.  Don always leads us in a great discussion as we read The Book of Mormon and it invites a special Spirit into our home.  We love having a room full of family to join us for that!


Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

Ahem...ahem...2nd? Year? Lets not forget the 1st year where Alan and I bombarded you 2 days after you moved into your house and you had to scramble to get OUR room set up instead of getting the rest of your house settled. How could you forget!?! :)

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

BTW... I will have to post Natalie's and your "single ladies" dance video on youtube....

Man... see all of this gets me SO EXCITED FOR THE BEACH HOUSE!!!!

MOM/Kandy said...

Whoa Girls! That photo of Heidi, Brandi & Natalie is so amazing! You are all so beautiful and still YOUNG looking!! Love, MOM