Monday, February 25, 2008

12 years and counting...

Okay, so it wasn't the most romantic day of our life, but we will be making it up another day! Sunday was our anniversary and we spent a good portion of our day cleaning up throw-up, monitoring temperatures, and administering cough and cold and fever medicine to several of our children. We did, however, get to drive TOGETHER and sit TOGETHER at church since it was Stake Conference, which was a total treat for me! And since most of our children were home sick, we only brought one child who ended up sitting with her cousin during the meeting anyway. Don and I got to just soak up the inspired messages and wonderful spirit of the meeting without any distractions. (Quite the opposite of a normal 2 hour Stake Conference meeting with 5 children, or a normal sacrament meeting with me as a single mother.) Don surprised me with tickets to Phantom of the Opera, which I haven't seen in 15 years! Anyway, I think I'll spare you all the mushy details, and just say, I love my husband more than I ever thought was possible. I am one lucky girl.


John and Laura said...

Happy Anniversary! I love all the pictures of you two. You look so good together. Ü

Tina said...

Wow! You were TAN! Such a cute couple. I hope your kids are feeling better.
We would love to have a party with your kids while you go to Phantom. That is so awesome!

Kate said...

Happy Anniversary!! I love all your pictures of you 2 lovebirds, and I'm excited for you to see Phantom again! I'd love to see it with Mark for my 2nd time. :) So sorry your family is sick. Hope the nursemaid stays in the clear!!

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

Great post, Heids. It seems I'll never have my husband to myself for our anniversary as well. Oh, well, there's always the roof. :)

So, I asked you about your anniversary on "A Sunshiny Day" post but apparently I wrote it after you posted your anniversary post. Is ther a delay on your blog, or is it just me?

Tamster said...

Happy Anniversary! 12 years! That's awesome! Cute pics. Sorry your kids have been sick. I hope they're doing better and that you guys don't get it too! :-)

Kyle and Marci said...

You two really are such a beautiful couple and 12 years is awesome! I hope that your next 12 will be just as wonderful. Just think, possibly weddings, missions, college. Crazy how time flies.

Happy Anniversary!

gingerdee said...

how did I miss this post before? happy anniversary! maybe not exactly as you planned, but at least you got a little bit of alone time, right? wow, 12 years! your marriage is inspiring and admirable, seriously.
that is a great collage of pictures!