Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Reception

This marked the 6th wedding reception for my parents at their home in California. It was another beautiful evening. We danced and ate and visited and took a million pictures.

This was one of several pictures that my sister, Ginger, so happily took of our little family. She followed us around for what seemed like forever, trying to help me get a picture with the right background, the right lighting, and without goofy faces from my son, Davis. This was really the only one that turned out. Even though she's not in this picture, I can picture her in my mind's eye, trying to get my little ones to smile. I love this picture for that reason.

I am so sad that Summer, Jen, Clint, and Alan weren't able to make the wedding! Summer had a c-section just 3 days prior and Jen had a newborn baby as well, so I guess we'll forgive them for not being there!

It was a glorious and wonderful day. One that we will all cherish in our hearts as one of the last we shared together as a family with Ginger.


Alan and Brandi Cotton said...
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Tina said...

I know I've said it a ton, but you really do have a beautiful family! I'm so glad you take "millions" of pictures to help you remember all of these precious moments with your family.
I know how hard it is to be away from family! I'm so glad you were able to make so many memories with them this summer. What an unforgettable summer!

Randi said...

Those are great pictures of your family. Very cute!

MEB said...

I love the pictures of the wedding. What great memories for you and your family.