Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Curse Strikes Again!

For those of you who do not know this, I am slightly vain about teeth.  I am an orthodontist's daughter and I look at teeth and care about teeth.  That is why, I think, my children have all been cursed with issues.  Gillian fell out of a shopping cart as a 1 year old and was missing a tooth until her permanent teeth came in at 8 years of age.  Ginger cracked her front permanent tooth flipping on her bed, but thankfully it was just a small part of her tooth.  Then just a few days after Ethan turned 3, Davis knocked out Ethan's entire front tooth with a golf club.  Ethan walked behind him and SMACK!   My 2nd hillbilly toothless child!   And now, Ryan Jane is the worst of all because these were her brand-new, big, beautiful permanent teeth that are supposed to last her forever!    

Here's what happened...  It was early evening.  Don was out of town.  The big girls were at a Youth Mutual activity at the church.  Davis, Ryan and Ethan asked me if they could ride their bikes over to the park to play for a while.  I am always hesitant, but they are getting older and I am trying to give them a little more freedom.  I let them go.  Not five minutes later I get a call from our good friend who lives right next to the park and he says, "Ryan just fell and knocked out her front teeth!".  I jumped in the car and drove right over, preparing myself to see blood and tears and a messed up face.  To my surprise, Ryan was all smiles and there wasn't a hint of blood or injury.  She came running up to me, showed me her broken tooth smile, then handed me the pieces of her teeth.  She thought it was hilarious.  Poor girl had no idea how sad this really was!!  She explained that when she got to the park she jumped off her bike to walk it up the curb, then her front wheel hit the curb and the handle bars hit her teeth.  That was it.  So random!  She said to me, "Mom, do you know what the one good thing about this is?"  I said, "what could possibly be good about this?"  She said, "now Clayton won't like me anymore because I look like this!!"  (Apparently there is a boy at school who really likes her and she does NOT like him.)  Yes, that is a good thing.  

I immediately called one of our very good friends who is a dentist.  He had just sat down at a Maverick's game in Dallas, but told me that he could help me out when he got home that night.  So nice!!!  At around 11:00 that night I took Ryan over and met him at his office.  Ryan was quite nervous, so he gave her some laughing gas to relax her a bit.  Worked like a charm.  I brought the broken pieces of her teeth knowing that he wouldn't be able to do anything with them, but I thought he might want to look at them.  Come to find out, he was super excited that I still had the two solid pieces for her teeth.  He glued them right back on and viola!  Look how good they looked when he was finished...

There is a chance that the teeth can still die and she will have to have root canals, but for now, we feel very grateful that they look as good as they do.  Answer to many prayers!   Here she is just a few days later (goofing off with my Supergirl glasses) and good as new!


Anonymous said...

I think your right, it's definitely a curse. Bless her heart. Glad she didn't have any pain with it though and that the dentist was able to make them look so good.

Tina said...

Hilariously written! Great before pics! But so sad too. She's beautiful no matter what...all of them are. But I'm so glad they saved them.

You know, I almost gasped seeing that you posted. ;) It always makes my day.

Mike & Lila Family said...

oh man, do i need to recount the time i knocked trevors teeth out?! how mortifying cause i still had a total crush on him at the time. I think he'd knocked them out himself at SR school throwing a rock up at handball stuck in a tree (i think i was there cause i have a memory of seeing it happen). some time.. even years? later, i think i hit him playfully with a pillow and they came out again. does that sound familiar or am i making that up? lol. i'm so old. ryan is so brave. i hope that boy leaves her alone even though she's as beautiful as ever. ;) xo