Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Recital 2011

As a kid, as soon as my piano teacher started talking about the recital I would get a pit in my stomach that did not go away until my piece was played.  I hated recitals.  But, as a mom, I love them!  Ryan and Gillian played their songs beautifully and although they said they were nervous, they were flawless.  Gillian has been taking lessons for about 2 years now and Ryan just started in January.  

Ryan played Minuet in G Minor

Gillian played Jesu, Joy of Men's Desiring

They also played an Old McDonald duet that stole the show (at least I thought it did)  :)

Here is their darling piano teacher and good friend of mine.  The girls love her!

And true to tradition that started when I was a kid, the girls each got a 6-pack of their favorite ice cream bar to celebrate.  Totally worth the nerves and stress.  Ok, not for me.  

Here's hoping that they stick with it and can play in church someday!


Anonymous said...

How proud you must be! I'm glad they did well. They are living dolls :)

Tina said...

I hated recitals too! So glad the next generation is much braver. (Where's Ginger?)

Tifany said...

Awesome! I LOVE recitals:) Your girls are beautiful & I'm glad they felt successful. I'll bet you were more nervous than they were, huh? I think you deserve your own 6 pack of ice cream, too:)