Monday, October 15, 2007

Spooky Spiders!

For those of you who live in Washington, you know this year we have been bombarded with spiders and the most amazing webs! Well, the other day we were driving home and started noticing hundreds and thousands of spider webs everywhere! Don grabbed his camera and we soon realized that the reason they were so visible was because each and every web was covered with tiny dew drops. Spiders are amazing! These are some of our favorites... (Make sure to double click to enlarge and get the full effect.)


gingerdee said...

okay, those pictures are FANTASTIC! how awesome to see hundreds of those dewey webs! they are an incredible work of art alone, but the water droplets make them brilliant! love the one with the spider in the center & the multicolored background--nice shot!

Kate said...

Your pictures remind me of that children's book about a spider busy at work spinning his web. I love it! Truly an incredible element & talent Heavenly Father gave those tiny creatures! Beautiful pictures, and hello HUGE spider!!!