Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pumpkin Carving Time

It was very sad to realize that it was time to carve the pumpkin and Don was not here to do it with us. For those of you who don't know, Don is in Maine for the next 11 days (but who's counting?). So, obviously he won't be here for Halloween tomorrow and we are so sad about that, too. We had two pumpkins to carve and Don and I always compete against each other, so it looks like I win this year for the coolest looking pumpkin. Sorry, honey. You can carve yours when you get home!


Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

That stinks Don couldn't be there to carve pumpkins and do Halloween with you. Of course, Alan would probably trade places with him in a hot minute! He can't stand Halloween! :(

Love Davis' face on top right. Love your pink shirt and long hair!

Heidi said...

You make me feel like crying. Thanks for sharing the great pictures. I was able to show everyone in class. You always win the pumpkin contest anyway, it is that Zierenberg Artistic Gene.

Kate said...

Okay, that first comment confused me until I realized it was your long lost hubby. So sweet! See, I told you blogging was all worth it! :) Way to keep the tradition going. Spooktacular pumpkin!!

Tina said...

Heidi, You are my hero! Seriously.

gingerdee said...

I have a confession...I carved my pumpkin just like yours after I saw the pictures...love the eyes!
sorry Don wasn't there, but look at you carrying on just the same! your kids are lucky to have such a strong and fun mom!