Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So Thankful...

The adult table:
Krisette, Craig, Stacy, Steve, Heidi, Scott, Don, and Karen

What a wonderful Thanksgiving we enjoyed this year. We were jam packed with family, even though we were missing so many. Craig and Krisette hosted it this year and it was really nice. Everything turned out delicious and we ended up staying past bedtime because we were enjoying the company so much. Krisette even invited all the girls to stay for a sleepover with the cousins. Hosting Thanksgiving dinner and then having an 8-girl slumber party on top of it...Krisette...you are my hero! We are so grateful this time of year to be surrounded by so much family. We are so blessed!


Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

Thanksgiving just wasn't the same! Hope you had a good time without us. :) Did you have another magic show even without Chuck?

gingerdee said...

(sigh) it looks like a nice time and all, but I would still have rather had your family here with us. we miss you all year long, but especially during the holidays. I'm glad you had a happy Thanksgiving with the Spanglers.

Tina said...

Sounds like a fun time...you are SO lucky to have family here with you!

Kate said...

It's the perfect picture of Thanksgiving... together around the table with family. You ARE blessed to have so much family surrounding you to spend the holidays with. It's just too bad it couldn't be with our side of fam too! :( We'll hold out high hopes for that again someday soon. I always miss that we can't ALL be together at holiday times. Looks like a great time, and yes, Krisette throwing a slumber on top of it all- what a way to be!