Friday, November 30, 2007

Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen...

We had some VERY special visitors the other day, right in our own backyard. Santa's reindeer! We have only lived here in Washington for 3 years, but are still getting used to the fact that we get one or two or even three deer grazing our property and neighborhood on occasion. But, the other day we were astounded to count SEVEN deer all together in our backyard. I don't know how they ended up way out here, especially when they are surely supposed to be getting ready at the North Pole this time of year, but what a treat it was for my kids to see!

Watch them in action...
View this montage created at One True Media


Tina said...

That is SO awesome! I hope they come to our yard next.

John and Laura said...

Wow!! Seven! I'm assuming you were only missing Rudolph, since I didn't see any bright red noses in those pictures. I sure hope he wasn't off crying his eyes out because they were making fun of him and his nose again. That song always made me so sad and mad at the other reindeer when I was a kid. :)

Kate said...

"On Comet, On Cupid, On Donner.." Mabe Blitzen & Rudolph wil visit today! What an amazing, beautiful sight to see out your own back door. Just tell Don not to hit one on the road driving a U-haul like last time!!

Kate said...

p.s. Great music w/ your video! My kids were in awe of seeing that many in your yard.

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

Did you go out and try to pet them? I don't think I could have resisted.

Heidi said...

Thanks for the painful memories, Kate! Brand~ They would never let you get close enough to pet them. They are quite docile, but they only let you get as close as 20-25 feet. They start walking away as soon as you start walking towards them.

gingerdee said...

amazing! it's so crazy to me that such large animals live in the wild and not in a zoo, but duh, they ALL used to be wild! how cool to see so many right off your own back patio!