Monday, January 7, 2008

Ginger, "The Entertainer"

Ginger has been practicing and practicing her piano. She has definitely surpassed my abilities and has a real talent for music. She wanted to share this song with all of you, especially all of her Zierenberg aunts and uncles who remember the player piano and this little song...
View this montage created at One True Media
"The Entertainer" 1/7/08

She wanted to say sorry about the one, BIG, wrong note and apologize for the horrible sound that comes through on the digital camera!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! I'm impressed. Way to go, Ginger! I hope that my kids will enjoy piano enough to play better than me someday, too! Good job!

Tina said...

Ya, thanks I know I am so cool! I am really good at playing piano!! I practice that song non-stop even though I am done with it!!

Tina said...
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Tina said...

OK...Just so you know. That was really Ginger that said that (and deleted,too). I think she and Emily were having a bit too much fun! But, yeah, she IS really cool!

Kyle and Marci said...

That is awesome! I loved it an so did Kyle. We can't wait for our kids to play a song so we can blog it! They do play "their" own, but I am talking about a recognizable song!!! Good job Ginger!!

gingerdee said...

ging, you did such a great job! hey, if you're worried about ONE wrong note, you should watch the video of me trying to pass off Book 1. it was a never-ending wrong note joke. your mom can tell you all about it. I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for days now, but that's okay because I'll be picturing your cute self playing it! I'm so glad you like playing the piano! it's a talent you will use tons!

Kate said...

Wow! An entertainer, playing "The Entertainer"! What a beautiful job you did Ginger! Thanks for sharing your talent with us. It sounded awesome!! I used to play (a portion of)that song too. I never had the notes, so I just played by ear. I LOVE that song!! Keep playing!!!

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

Nothing but jealousy coming from me. I love how her posture climbs with the music in the beginning. Ging, you are awesome! Can you write me a song?

Rod said...

Ginger, that was awesome! Don't we all wish we could play like that. Keep with it. It's a talent that will be greatly needed to uplift us in the last days.