Saturday, January 26, 2008

Welcome Home!

I flew in from CA on Friday night and since Don and I had passed eachother like strangers in the night (me flying out and him flying in) we hadn't been together as a family for over a week, so Don took us all to the Rainforest Cafe after he picked me up from the airport in Seattle. We had never been there and the kids thought it was very cool. Every half hour there is a thunder and lightning show and all the jungle animals come alive. Ethan didn't like that experience too much the first time around, but thought it was "awesome" once he caught the show on Daddy's lap. We celebrated Ginger's birthday there, too, who shares the same b-day as my mom. It made for a very fun night!


Midge said...

Thanks for letting me check out your blog. I can't believe you have 5 kids, and they are all so cute, which doesn't suprise me. You two both look great, Don you don't look like you've aged a day. It will be fun to keep up with you guys. I'd love to get an update on Missy and Jonathan too.
--Marjorie (Stevenson)

Tina said...

Ahh...that makes me miss home. There is a Rainforest Cafe near my mom's house (sniff).
That is a way fun place; we'll have to add that to our things-to-do-on-a-rainy-day list.
You guys always look so adorable!

Kate said...

What an exciting reunion with your cute family!! Such a treat to have the jungle,weather & animals surrounding you during dinner. I bet Ging felt ecstatic to get to celebrate her b-day there & have her fantastic Mom back!!

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

How fun! What a great idea. Awesome job, Don! Glad you made your flight just in time, Heids!

Well, your reunion sure beats mine. I ended up going straight to the doctor's for a physical right after my red-eye. Fun fun!