Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter morning

What is wrong with this picture? Oh yeah, it's Easter morning, my kids are dressed in spring clothes and it's freezing, raining, dark, and depressing outside. Not exactly my idea of a lovely Easter morning. But, it was a beautiful day anyway. The talks in Sacrament meeting were so uplifting and inspiring and it was good to take some time to reflect on the Savior and His atonement and resurrection. That is what Easter is all about.


John and Laura said...

I agree--wasn't it a fantastic Sacrament Mtg.?? And I agree--it was depressing, yucky weather. Rivaled only by today's cold, slushy snow...

Happy Spring?

Tina said...

Your kids are always so adorable! LOVED the dresses! I didn't get a good look at yours, but I'm sure you were just as adorable as ever, too.

Kate said...

Ginger looks much happier sitting warm inside and next to Mommy. I still love seeing them in all their Spring dress. It's tradition! hee hee.

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

I always think its so funny when it seems like you copied part of my blog word for word. THen I just did it to you tonight. When I saw your comment on what Easter is all about, its pretty close to what I wrote on my blog before I ever even saw yours. We must be sisters.