Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Ward Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, before Easter, we attended our ward's Easter Egg Hunt, and Don was still out of town. It was a great little party, complete with a hunt for eggs, picnic lunch, and games for all the primary children. All five of my children are in primary this year, and I had my nephew, Hank, for the weekend, too, so it made for a great distraction!


Randi said...

Wow, I never realized it until now in these pictures. Davis looks JUST like Don. That's crazy!

Tina said...

I'm glad it was a great Easter for you!! Did I tell you I love your new background?... and the new pictures down the side. Very cute!

Kate said...

Yea for primary parties! Especially when you need them having 6 kids occupy! Ethan's little grin kills me.