Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas the Hotel

We liked to pretend that this was our Christmas tree! It was a huge tree in the lobby of the hotel and nobody was ever around, so it was kind of like our very own tree, right?

Thankfully, we knew of ONE family in the entire state of Texas and they just happened to be 10 minutes away from us. They were our friends that were in our ward in Moorpark over eight years ago and when they heard of our woes, invited us for Christmas Eve in their home. (They also brought dinner to us on another night) Can I tell you how wonderful it was to be in a real home, with a real meal for Christmas Eve? We had a delicious ham dinner with all the extras. We sang carols with the piano and the kids dressed in costume as the story was read from Luke 2. It was the first time it actually felt like Christmas that year. I don't think our friends realize how nice it was for us to be there and share that night with them.


Tina said...

You make a beautiful Mary, Gillian!

I'm so glad you have friends there to take care of you. I loved reading your posts, Heidi. It felt like you were just up the street again. That street is way too long now. I miss you guys. Say hi to everyone for me.

Lila said...

talk about the 'innskeeper giving you a stable' ( a stretch i know...) to house your family! no wonder the luke 2 story touched home this year. :)