Farewell Party
A few great friends of ours put together this farewell party for us. It was a bit surreal for me, though. I don't think I allowed myself to accept the fact that we were really leaving. I think that's the only way I made it through that night without bawling through the whole thing.
December was such an emotional roller coaster ride with so much anticipation and excitement for our new life in Texas, but so much sadness to leave behind so many loved ones. We were only there for 4 years, but have made friends that will last a lifetime. Luckily, we have lots of family there so we will definitely be back to visit. To our friends and family in Washington, thank you for your love and friendship, for your hugs and comfort in times of sorrow, for your prayers and faith in our behalf. We will never forget you.
We miss you, Heidi! All of you!
Thanks for the memories.
I was brave and didn't even cry while reading. Of course, I skimmed just a little to make that possible. :)
But you know I'm your best stalker, so I'll be back when I need a good cry.
It's true, you are missed so much. The other day I was at basketball, and I was having a little fun, but I just kept thinking, it wasn't like it use to be. I kept wishing you were there to steal the ball from me with your windmill swing as I went to pass the ball...just so I could chase you down the court and attempt to steal it back from ya before you did some awesome move to the hoop. Afterwhich we could give each other a high five just for the competitiveness and fun of it all. Okay, now that I'm all teary-eyed, I better stop typing. But when are you coming back to visit? Maybe they'll even let us be on the same team for once :)
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