Saturday, October 6, 2007

"Bishop" Daddy

Here is a classic example of what goes on Sunday night, once Don finally gets home from church. He collapses on the floor and willingly allows his five children to climb all over him, brush his hair, go through his pockets, take off his shoes, or do what the picture displays. Amazingly, he can usually catch a quick "cat" nap during all the commotion. He is a good daddy.


gingerdee said...

are those stickers or Othello game chips? funny!

Heidi said...

Othello...nice call.

Kate said...

What a good sport! Or is he just exhausted? ;)

p.s. You are so smart to protect your blog. I have suggested it to the others and HIGHLY reccommend it!! You can't be too careful with your children!

Heidi said...

I am just copying you, Kate, trying to figure everything out on my own! I do like being in control of what goes on my blog.

MOM/Kandy said...

Fun photo! What a daddy!

Tina said...

"Bishop looks FUNNY!"
-Natalie B.