Sunday, November 4, 2007

We love Primary!

Last Sunday was our ward's Primary Program in Sacrament Meeting and it was wonderful, as all primary programs are. I thought it would be fun to let you hear the talks that my children gave to give them just one more chance to shine. They worked so hard memorizing and practicing that I had to capture it on video. Ryan had hers memorized very quickly, but broke down in tears at the first practice, refusing to say it. The second practice was tears, but wouldn't say it without the Primary President whispering every word in her ear. The day of the program arrived and she still DID NOT want to do it without help, until the promise of a "princess coloring book" was mentioned and she was hooked. She did it, and did it perfectly!


gingerdee said...

oh, I am so glad you posted that! how awesome! they all did such a good job and I really liked their words. were they scripted by the primary or did you write them?
they all looked so cute/handsome too! first time I've seen Davis' gapper, but he's such a babe anyway! :)
can't wait to show this to my girls in the morning...they'll love it!

Heidi said...

The Primary Pres wrote the whole program, except for Ginger's ending. Which reminds me, I really need to share what she wrote to her teacher. It was amazing.

Heidi said...

Awesome. What is up with that Gap in Davis's teeth? He needs a Binator Haws and about 30 bands to close that gap. We should probably add some Dong Quoinery. then someone should teach me how to spell all of these words I don't know. I think you should put your RS lesson on as well.

Tina said...

Yeah, you should. I'll come video it for you if you want. :]

Seriously, your kids are the cutest (besides mine, of course) and I heard your lesson was awesome, too!

Kate said...

How smart to document their parts on video! All my kids were mesmerized listening to them. They all were so cute, and did such a good job memorizing such scripturally based messages. Way to go Ginger on giving away all those BofMs!

ps- How'd the cnslr get off the hook in writing the program?