Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Perfect Day At the Beach

This is one of many trips that we took to the beach during our stay in California, but for some reason this day was absolute perfection. The weather was amazing and as we usually end up only staying about 2 or 3 hours, we ended up staying over 5 hours. Everyone in that part of California was able to be there and even the newlyweds were able to come after their honeymoon. The kids played for hours and hours and the adults just walked and talked. It was almost as if time was standing still for a while. I will never forget that day.


Randi said...

Okay, your pictures are totally making me jealous. Just the mere thought of winter approaching makes me want to run as fast as I can for California!

MEB said...

Again, great pictures. I am totally missing the beach after looking at your blog. :)