Monday, December 10, 2007

It's working...

Tonight our Home Teachers stopped by and brought with them a Lifesaver Sweet Storybook for each one of our children. So cute of them. Unfortunately, our kids had JUST finished brushing their teeth and were on their way to bed when they stopped by. I quickly informed them that they could open the box, read the story, put their name on it and then hand it over to me until tomorrow. They were all totally fine with that (except for Ethan, of course) and did just as I asked. As soon as they finished, I told them to go sit by the Christmas tree since Don would be home any minute to do our Christmas scripture reading and singing with us. Ginger promptly came right over to me, wrapped her arms around me and just gushed with love, "You are the best mom, you are the coolest mom, I love you so much, we're so lucky you're our mom", etc. (I figured this was prompted by my allowing them to sit and wait around the Christmas tree, instead of in their beds??) So, I replied "thank you, Ginger, but why?" She answered, "Any other Mom would just let us pig out on all the lifesavers and our teeth would rot and we would be ruined for life".

My first child is officially brainwashed. ONE down, FOUR to go...


Tina said...

You ARE the best mom, and you are the coolest mom!
Now, can you come brainwash my kids? I think they are brainwashing me...

Kate said...

Hello dream child! She is the best and coolest KID too! You gotta love it when your children appreciate the reasons you give tough love. It's because you are doing an excellent job teaching them and helping them to understand the importance of things & timing. I love how extreme and dramatic Ging is, but it's true!

Kate said...

Remember getting thos each Christmas from under Grammie & Grampa's tree? We each got our own, and we were in heaven!

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

Hiliarious! I laughed out loud on that one. I thought it was her way of trying to get you to GIVE them their storybooks back.

wendyann said...

Hey Brandi I was going to say that! HILARIOUS!! I love Ginger's drama!

Heidi said...

Kate~ Oh yeah, I remember. Lifesaver Storybook's are every kids dream. Those things MADE my Christmas as a child!

John and Laura said...

How come Lifesavers used to taste so yummy to me and now...not so much. That's very cute. Will you give an enrichment class on perfect parenting?? :)

gingerdee said...

this story made me laugh!
she's a wise one, that little ginger! she knows the good thing she has: YOU! every once in a while I get similar words of praise from Erin. they are short-lived and not often enough,but the encouragement and hope that they provide is priceless!