I guess those long summer days of playing “tag” with my brothers and sisters as a child aren’t quite over. Apparently my little sister is still holding a grudge that she could never quite run as fast as I could, so she has “tagged” me the only way that is possible. So, now I have to rack my brain and come up with 6 weird, quirky things about myself and share them with the whole world. Thanks a lot, Ginge! Here goes…
1. I have an obsession with teeth. I have a really hard time talking to people and looking them in the eye, instead of at their mouth, or teeth. I am sure this obsession comes from the fact that my dad is an orthodontist and I spent many years working alongside him perfecting teeth in the world. Not only do I ALWAYS look at and admire people’s teeth, I have an overwhelming desire and NEED to yank teeth from my children’s mouth the second I find out that they have a loose tooth. My poor kids. The older ones don’t even tell me anymore and if I find out, they lock their mouths shut! Then I have to resort to bribery...in all forms. It always works and I get the joy of playing “tooth fairy” yet again. One of my favorite visitors this summer was my niece, Krista, because she had a loose tooth and insisted that I do the yanking. Oh, happy day for me!
2. I love to sing… in the car…. REALLY loud. I can’t sing and seriously think I am tone deaf, but singing in the car with the music blasting is the key, because then I can’t
hear myself singing. People are always giving me strange looks, but oh well. I’ll sing anything from Ingrid Michaelson to the Wicked soundtrack to Primary songs or Carrie Underwood. Actually, anything I know the words to, I will sing along.
3. I am the Queen of “To Do” lists, although I never actually
complete the list, or even half the list, I just like to “cross off”. I will even write things like ‘take a shower’ or ‘pick up kids’ on my list just so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off. I make long lists everyday that are completely unattainable and I usually end up writing the same list over from the previous day, because I didn’t really do anything (on the list) the day before, except shower and pick up my kids, of course. For some reason, it just makes me feel better to write it down with the
hope that I will do it. Ridiculous.
4. I hesitate to admit this one, and more importantly, share it. I am a very messy teeth brusher. My husband calls me “Mad Dog” anytime he dares come near me while I am brushing my teeth. For some reason, I do not feel like my teeth and mouth are clean unless the toothpaste is allowed to dribble out of my mouth, down my chin. I know, totally disgusting. But, the times I try to do it neatly don’t satisfy me and I usually have to do it again. So revolting. I promise to work on that one.
5. I almost NEVER wash my face before bed. I know, that’s terrible. I think I heard Oprah on her show talking to a dermatologist guru and she said, “Isn’t that the worst thing you can do for your skin, not wash your face before bed?” And the lady said, “Yes!” Well, even that didn't help, I never do. Then again, my toothpaste probably takes care of half of my face, right??
6. Last, but not least, I LOVE food in the “raw”. No, not sushi, but cookie dough, pizza dough, bread dough, cake batter, muffin batter, even pie crust. It isn’t a very strange thing to like these things if you are on MY side of the family, but the Spanglers think it is disgusting that I will eat handfuls of pizza dough and lick the spoons of every mix I make. Delicious.
There you have it. Now I get to tag 3 others. Tina, Laura, and Mom, you’re "IT"!